Hip-Hop Violinist Miri Ben-Ari Performs For President Obama

Hip-Hop Violinist Miri Ben-Ari Performs For President Obama
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(AllHipHop News) Violinist Miri Ben-Ari made a high-profile appearance with President Barack Obama last night (June 25) in Boston.

The Hip-Hop violinist/producer appeared with President Barack, in support of his campaign for re-election, at the Boston Symphony Hall.

"It was a great honor to support President Obama and his vision to move the country forward," Miri Ben-Ari told AllHipHop.com. "I moved to America from Israel without my family, without money, I hardly spoke English; I had my violin and a dream. Supporting President Obama gives me the chance to support this American dream."

Over 1,800 people attended the fundraiser, where the Israeli-born violinist performed her critically acclaimed selection, "Symphony of Brotherhood" featuring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Check out President Obama with Miri Ben-Ari aka "The Hip-Hop Violinist."

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