Facebook 3.0 finally hits the App from Ars Technica - News by jacqui@arstechnica.com (Jacqui Cheng) Store with new UI goodness
The long-awaited 3.0 update to the Facebook iPhone app has finally been released on the App Store. The third major iteration of the app sports a shiny new interface and additional features that were requested by users, including the ability to 'like' people's updates, upload photos directly to albums, and customize the Facebook home screen.
Facebook has been teasing users with this update for weeks, which has been waiting for Apple's seal of approval for about 10 days now. In addition to the above features, developer Joe Hewitt has added other tidbits that users have been requesting, such as the ability to RSVP to events and an improved news feed layout. According to Hewitt's post on Twitter, users should be able to download the 3.0 version on their iPhones (or iPod touches) even if the store says the current version is 2.5 if they delete the existing application first.
I'll admit that I'm not the world's biggest Facebook user on my iPhone, but a quick run through the 3.0 version left me pleased with the UI improvements. The new home screen is much more intuitive than 2.5 and, although I realize I'm late to the event party, I'm still just plain tickled that someone finally added upcoming events to the app (and it's quite easy to find in 3.0, too). The app is free, of course, so if you're a Facebook user who just can't get away from those status updates, give it a download.
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